I don’t care what religion you are or what your beliefs are, in my opinion if you celebrate Christmas (do you buys gifts π or put up a tree π²??) - you NEED to do a Countdown Calendar!! Not because your kids need more “stuff”, but because the amount of joy that these little boxes bring to kids of ALL ages is priceless!!
I have a TON of fun ideas for the Countdown to Christmas Calendar Class!! Most involve time spent together, giving to others, some special treats, small gifts, and cash! My boys are 11 & 13 and look forward to this EVERY YEAR! You can make it as simple or as complicated as you’d like, but I can GUARANTEE that your kids or grandkids or young adults will absolutely LOVE this little adventure! ❤️
This calendar tracker is included with the class!! Bring your December calendar from home and we will get started right away filling out what you will put in each box. My full calendar for this year will be available to view and I’ll give you all my tips and tricks on how I go about planning for it.
Tomorrow (November 8, 2019) is the deadline to RSVP for this class as I need to allow enough time for my order to process and ship.
This Calendar can also be purchased separate from this class in my online store.
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